Xtreme Elements has vast knowledge and experience in foundations for many different building types. From heavy foundations for multi-story construction to Industrial foundations including: reinforced spread and continuous footings, grade beams, pile caps, piers, pits and mat foundations.
Tilt Up Construction
Tilt-up structures are built at reasonable cost, require little maintenance, and provide long term durability and speed of construction with minimal capital investment. Panels usually serve as structure and finish and can be insulated as needed for energy efficiency.
Structural Concrete
Xtreme Elements specialty contractors provides a breadth of structural concrete services. These services include walls, post tensioned slabs, conventional reinforced slabs and all types of foundations. As a full service concrete contractor Xtreme Elements can provide a wide range of architectural and structural building components.
Floor Slabs
A concrete slab is a common structural element of modern buildings. Horizontal slabs of steel reinforced concrete, typically between 4 and 20 inches (100 and 500 millimeters) thick, are most often used to construct floors and ceilings, while thinner slabs are also used for exterior paving.
Ductilcrete is a proven, proprietary, concrete system used to create extraordinarily, durable floors and pavements that remain flat and level with virtually no curl. Our placement methods and project specific mixes are derived from years of rigorous research and field testing. We employ comprehensive quality control and full-time testing to assure top performance, and provide all of our customers with the industry’s most generous warranty.
Concrete Finishing
As a true turn-key concrete contractor, we employ over 40 finishers in house to finish concrete on all of our projects across the Northcoast. We are home to the largest fleet of finishing equipment in the Southeast which includes: 4 Somero Laser Screeds and over 30 trowel machines. Owning and maintaining our own finishing equipment allows us to focus on completing the project in a timely manner without delays.
Concrete Paving
Concrete paving provides end users with many advantages over traditional asphalt paving. Concrete paving provides a more sustainable product because the integrity of the slab outlasts asphalt paving and limits ongoing maintenance years after the building is delivered. Martin Concrete has performed millions of square feet on concrete paving projects with varying slopes and thickness requirements.
Site Work
Our strength lies in our resources. Our experienced crews utilize modern equipment, staying up-to-date with current technologies. These in-house resources allow us to provide turn-key solutions.
We deliver for our clients, and we do so with precision, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.